Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP)

(SSCP.AE1) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-184-0
This course includes
Hands-On Labs
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About This Course

Skills You’ll Get

Interactive Lessons

13+ Interactive Lessons | 128+ Quizzes | 108+ Flashcards | 345+ Glossary of terms

Gamified TestPrep

125+ Pre Assessment Questions | 2+ Full Length Tests | 125+ Post Assessment Questions | 250+ Practice Test Questions

Hands-On Labs

41+ LiveLab | 00+ Minutes



  • About This Course
  • What Is an SSCP?
  • Using This Course
  • Objective Map
  • Earning Your Certification

The Business Case for Decision Assurance and Information Security

  • Information: The Lifeblood of Business
  • Policy, Procedure, and Process: How Business Gets Business Done
  • Who Runs the Business?
  • Summary

Information Security Fundamentals

  • The Common Needs for Privacy, Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability
  • Training and Educating Everybody
  • SSCPs and Professional Ethics
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Integrated Risk Management and Mitigation

  • It’s a Dangerous World
  • The Four Faces of Risk
  • Getting Integrated and Proactive with Information Defense
  • Risk Management: Concepts and Frameworks
  • Risk Assessment
  • Four Choices for Limiting or Containing Damage
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Operationalizing Risk Mitigation

  • From Tactical Planning to Information Security Operations
  • Operationalizing Risk Mitigation: Step by Step
  • The Ongoing Job of Keeping Your Baseline Secure
  • Ongoing, Continuous Monitoring
  • Reporting to and Engaging with Management
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Communications and Network Security

  • Trusting Our Communications in a Converged World
  • Internet Systems Concepts
  • Two Protocol Stacks, One Internet
  • IP Addresses, DHCP, and Subnets
  • IPv4 vs. IPv6: Key Differences and Options
  • CIANA Layer by Layer
  • Securing Networks as Systems
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Identity and Access Control

  • Identity and Access: Two Sides of the Same CIANA Coin
  • Identity Management Concepts
  • Access Control Concepts
  • Network Access Control
  • Implementing and Scaling IAM
  • Zero Trust Architectures
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials


  • Cryptography: What and Why
  • Building Blocks of Digital Cryptographic Systems
  • Keys and Key Management
  • Modern Cryptography: Beyond the “Secret Decoder Ring”
  • “Why Isn’t All of This Stuff Secret?”
  • Cryptography and CIANA
  • Public Key Infrastructures
  • Other Protocols: Applying Cryptography to Meet Different Needs
  • Measures of Merit for Cryptographic Solutions
  • Attacks and Countermeasures
  • On the Near Horizon
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Hardware and Systems Security

  • Infrastructure Security Is Baseline Management
  • Infrastructures 101 and Threat Modeling
  • Malware: Exploiting the Infrastructure’s Vulnerabilities
  • Privacy and Secure Browsing
  • “The Sin of Aggregation”
  • Updating the Threat Model
  • Managing Your Systems’ Security
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Applications, Data, and Cloud Security

  • It’s a Data-Driven World…At the Endpoint
  • Software as Appliances
  • Applications Lifecycles and Security
  • CIANA and Applications Software Requirements
  • Application Vulnerabilities
  • “Shadow IT:” The Dilemma of the User as Builder
  • Information Quality and Information Assurance
  • Protecting Data in Motion, in Use, and at Rest
  • Into the Clouds: Endpoint App and Data Security Considerations
  • Legal and Regulatory Issues
  • Countermeasures: Keeping Your Apps and Data Safe and Secure
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Incident Response and Recovery

  • Defeating the Kill Chain One Skirmish at a Time
  • Incident Response Framework
  • Preparation
  • Detection and Analysis
  • Containment and Eradication
  • Recovery: Getting Back to Business
  • Post-Incident Activities
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Business Continuity via Information Security and People Power

  • A Spectrum of Disruption
  • Surviving to Operate: Plan for It!
  • Cloud-Based “Do-Over” Buttons for Continuity, Security, and Resilience
  • CIANA at Layer 8 and Above
  • Summary
  • Exam Essentials

Risks, Issues, and Opportunities, Starting Tomorrow

  • On Our Way to the Future
  • Enduring Lessons
  • Your Next Steps
  • At the Close


Information Security Fundamentals

  • Encrypting Files with EFS

Integrated Risk Management and Mitigation

  • Conducting Vulnerability Scanning Using Nessus
  • Installing Antivirus Software
  • Using Social Engineering Techniques to Plan an Attack
  • Configuring a VPN

Communications and Network Security

  • Performing ARP Spoofing
  • Obtaining Hardware Information of a Network Adapter
  • Obtaining the ARP Cache
  • Obtaining Information about Different IP versions
  • Obtaining the IP Version of a Network Adapter
  • Getting the TCP Settings
  • Getting Information about the Current Connection Statistics of TCP
  • Getting the UDP Settings
  • Getting Information about the Current Connection Statistics of UDP
  • Getting Information about DNS
  • Finding the Host Name of a Machine
  • Finding the Physical Address of a LAN Adapter
  • Finding the Logical Address of a LAN Adapter
  • Tracing Route Using Tracert
  • Intercepting Packets
  • Configuring a Router
  • Configuring SSH in a Router
  • Configuring Static Routing
  • Configuring Default Routing
  • Configuring VLANs
  • Configuring Network Address Translation
  • Assigning Different Classes of IP Addresses
  • Adding an IPv6 Address
  • Spoofing MAC Address
  • Performing Session Hijacking Using Burp Suite
  • Attacking a Website Using XSS Injection
  • Exploiting a Website Using SQL Injection
  • Performing a Man-in-the-Middle Attack
  • Using nmap for Scanning
  • Performing a DoS Attack with the SYN Flood

Identity and Access Control

  • Creating ACL in a Router


  • Observing an MD5-Generated Hash Value
  • Observe an SHA-Generated Hash Value
  • Applying Symmetric Key Encryption
  • Using OpenSSL to Create a Public/Private Key Pair

Hardware and Systems Security

  • Creating a Virtual Machine

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Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP)

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