ICT CyberSecurity Essentials Test

(ICT-cybersecurity-test) / ISBN : 978-1-61691-941-2
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Gain hands-on expertise in the ICT CyberSecurity Essentials exam with the ICT CyberSecurity Essentials TestPrep. This TestPrep focuses on the fundamentals of personal online security and safety and provides the knowledge required to face the challenges and solutions of cybersecurity including the Internet and social media safety, cyberethics, and copyright issues. It provides knowledge about threats to computer systems and ways to secure computers. The TestPrep includes topics especially relevant to students, such as cyberbullying, online gaming, and risk mitigation for young or new users of online media.

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3+ Full Length Tests | 36+ Post Assessment Questions | 103+ Practice Test Questions

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ICT CyberSecurity Essentials Test


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